The Power of Connection: How Knowing Neighbors Enhances Safety and Community Pride

The Power of Connection: How Knowing Neighbors Enhances Safety and Community Pride


Over Two-Thirds of Homeowners Feel Safer When They Know Their Neighbors Posted on April 19, 2024 by Vishnu R

At Neighar, we have always believed that a connected neighborhood is a safer neighborhood. To explore this further, we recently conducted a survey titled “The State of Indian Neighborhood.”

The results revealed that over two-thirds of homeowners feel safer when they know their neighbors. Additionally, three-fourths of Indian adults surveyed believed their neighborhood would be safer if they communicated more with their neighbors.

Here are some other notable findings:

Stronger, deeper roots: Nearly half (47%) of Indians who know their neighbors reported having no immediate plans to move or sell their homes. Better for our furry friends: One-quarter (25%) of Indians who know their neighbors have either received help with a lost pet or assisted a neighbor with a lost pet or rescue animal. Renewed sense of pride: Nearly half (44%) of Indians who know their neighbors feel proud of where they live. At Neighar, our goal is to foster a sense of community within neighborhoods. As we continue to expand and establish new Neighar neighborhoods daily, we aim to not only help neighbors find services like electricians, babysitters, or buyers for their old car but also to enhance the overall sense of safety within their communities.

We invite you to explore the latest articles on Neighar that underscore the importance of our findings.

If you have any stories about how Neighar has helped make your neighborhood a safer place, we would love to hear from you at

Cheers, Vishnu R Senior Communications Manager


At Neighar, we are dedicated to revitalizing the sense of community in neighborhoods. The findings from our survey highlight the significant impact of neighborly connections on safety, pride, and mutual assistance. As we grow and create more connected neighborhoods, we believe we can profoundly influence how safe and secure people feel in their communities. We encourage you to share your stories of how Neighar has helped foster a safer, more connected neighborhood. Together, we can build stronger, safer, and more vibrant communities.


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About Neighar:

Neighar is the modern Indian Neighborhood App powered the most modern AI tools. Neighar, the free Indian neighborhood App is the most straightforward and convenient method to establish connections within your local community in Indian villages. Neighar is a social networking service designed for establishing and maintaining local community relationships. Neighar India Neighborhood platform allows users to connect with their neighbors and nearby residents.

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